I adore these intense times of sculpting.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, my hands were in a frenzy, barely able to keep up with where my mind was directing the sculpting tools.
A bull terrier, a Westie, multiple pineapples, another magnolia, a flag, a musical instrument piece, a historic church, "The Last Cotton House" (an exhibition piece)...have all emerged from the porcelain clay this week.
Honestly, I credit God's inspiration and direction for intense creative times like this week.
I wish I could show you what I have been working on...but not yet. The introductions of these pieces are October 6, October 15, December 1, February 2008, April 2008 and July 2008. Lots of behind-the-scenes work to be done between now and those release dates.
Hubby Gordon has been rubbing my fingers and hands and forearms tonight. All this sculpting is like running a long marathon for my hands!
You know those "good" aches and pains from accomplishing a challenging task? Yep, that is me tonight...exhausted but happy.
What fun Penny! And how wonderful to have a dear hubby to soothe your sore muscles at night.
Posted by: Anina | August 17, 2007 at 09:57 AM