I am deeply moved and grateful to so many of you who have emailed (well over 100 people) or posted a comment... sympathy and emotional support and encouragement following the death of my beloved Daddles, a rescued Westie.
Today I looked for her everywhere... by habit... from the door being pushed open with a little black nose when I was in the bathroom...to that soft breath against my neck as she snoozed on the back of the recliner as I worked. We called it her balcony. She kept her nose or a paw in my hair. This loss has hit especially hard.
For your generous heart expressed toward Gordon, the rest of the dogs and to me, I'd like to give you a special heart that I designed. Actually, I whipped this up many, many months before Clover came out with their little gadget to make heart yo-yo's.
Here is a free pattern to make as many sizes of heart yo-yo's as you want. Just increase or decrease the size on a photocopier!
I've heard from so many interesting people in the last year... because of this free pattern. My blog was almost brand new at that time, so there are many, many people who read this blog now who have not seen this free pattern.
When folks from France, Denmark and Germany started sharing this link on their discussion boards, I went back and wrote in blog text the directions I had previously written on the photos. The reason I did this was because people were translating the instructions with one of those online translators, and that did not include the text on photos.
So this is the most thorough post about my little free Heart Yo-Yo pattern. Other posts about the fun little critters can be found here and here and here.
I was searching for a heart shaped yo-yo pattern when I found your blog and learned of the loss of your sweet pet. I am so very sorry. I know that words cannot help very much to ease the pain. But let me say this... your "Daddles" is in heaven. This, I know! The Bible says that Jesus is coming back one day. And He is coming on...a HORSE! Now, if there were no animals in heaven...where would He get a horse? Daddles is having the time of his life right now and chasing the angels around. Heaven is a real place. And Daddles is just waitin' for you to get "home". Hugs...Kate~
Posted by: Kate Wells | February 27, 2008 at 01:21 PM
Ach, Penny, I am just sooo very sorry about your beloved Daddles!!!! I haven't been online for a while, and was just catching up a bit this morning, and I have to tell you that I just sat here reading your post about Daddles and crying for all of you. I have two wienie dogs that are 12 and 13, so I know I have less time with them than I have had in the past. What a wrenching post about your babies!!! And the other two that you've had to set on their rainbow bridge path just recently....oh, dear heart, my heart breaks for you and Gordon!!! I just wanted you to know that I am so grateful that you and Gordon have such huge warm hearts for our beloved 'fur babies', and I also want to thank you for the awesome work that you do with the rescue babies.
Posted by: Angie | February 18, 2008 at 08:05 AM
Ach, Penny, I am just sooo very sorry about your beloved Daddles!!!! I haven't been online for a while, and was just catching up a bit this morning, and I have to tell you that I just sat here reading your post about Daddles and crying for all of you. I have two wienie dogs that are 12 and 13, so I know I have less time with them than I have had in the past. What a wrenching post about your babies!!! And the other two that you've had to set on their rainbow bridge path just recently....oh, dear heart, my heart breaks for you and Gordon!!! I just wanted you to know that I am so grateful that you and Gordon have such huge warm hearts for our beloved 'fur babies', and I also want to thank you for the awesome work that you do with the rescue babies.
Posted by: Angie | February 18, 2008 at 08:04 AM
What a giving heart you have to share this with us during your time of grief. It's a beautiful project and I think it's a lovely tribute to your love for Daddles and your generosity.
Posted by: June | February 13, 2008 at 09:26 AM
take care thinking of you sunshine
Posted by: sunshine | February 12, 2008 at 06:59 AM