Sarah and Abraham, my Cotton Patch Geese, have a new pool. Did you know geese breed in the water?
Sarah has laid five eggs so far this year, two of which were accidentally broken. The other three were "blown" and used in baking.
Tomorrow is the first day we can save her eggs for her to sit on and hatch. I am praying for her to have a beautiful gaggle of babies this, her first year as a mother.
The road to having Cotton Patch Geese here on the farm is seven? Eight? Nine months long?
I will have to look back through my emails to determine when Abraham and his two "wives" moved to the farm.
The hawk that devastated my flock of chickens, ducks and geese last year, got one of my Cotton Patch Geese as well.
Now I have a 1500 square foot covered run with serious predator deterrents.
You will be seeing lots more about my Cotton Patch Geese. They are a Heritage breed, once blanketing the U.S. South, helping farmers by eating grass out of the cotton fields. Now they are a special breed in need of preservation with a growing number of dedicated breeders intent on preserving their special, gentle qualities.
Photos courtesy of Lindi Turnipseed
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