Thanks to SusieQ, I have learned that a powerful medicine for healing a grieving, sick jealousy!

Marianne was at death's door. She had not eaten for six days after Mackie's death. She had a sour crop, and I was struggling to get water down her with a dropper.
On day seven of Marianne's decline, SusieQ came in the house for medical treatment after a predator ate the eggs she was sitting on and caused her to hurt her left leg. She was not able to stand or walk.

By the night of day seven, Marianne was standing in SusieQ's cat carrier, defiantly trying to drink all of her water. Refilled, and Marianne again was determined to drink it all. Put a raw egg in the second bowl of water, and Marianne started bobbing for egg yolk.

Day eight saw more eating.
By Day nine, they competed for who could eat the most raw ground venison. Chickens are omnivores, you know.
Marianne has regained her stamina by making laps all around me, trying to access SusieQ for a peck full of plucked feathers.

Marianne will approach me for a snuggle, see SusieQ snuggled by my side or in my arms, and Marianne's face will turn bright red to match her comb.

Luke, my pet Silkie male, has been trying his best to impress SusieQ. Sadly Thomas and Chester out at the barn are hunks compared to Luke, and SusieQ has given Luke NO encouragement.

That has not stopped Ethel, my pet Silkie female, from being insanely jealous. Today the tiny little Silkie hen ruffled up all her neck feather like a lion's mane and made several running pounces on SusieQ.

All poor Ethel can see are SusieQ's long legs and masses of blond feathers.
SusieQ discovered the vents of the portable air conditioner today, and stood for the longest time preening and letting the blowing air make her feathers billow like a chicken supermodel. It was just too much for little Ethel!

When SusieQ rudely ignored Ethel's attacks, Ethel resorted to "barking" at SusieQ from a distance. Silkies have the cutest little "bark".
So until SusieQ can survive in the competative Barnyard Flock again, she will stay in the Chicken Hospital in the house, snacking on ground venison meat and other treats and watching TV and visiting with the Great Pyrenees Willow who knows her from the Barnyard Flock.

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