Tranquility: quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; peacefulness; quiet; serenity.
Yep, that is where I am today. The last of the Absolutely-Must-Have orders for porcelain have shipped. The gifts to the Inlaws in Texas have shipped. Time for some rest. Not the rest of inactivity, but the rest found in starting a completely selfish sewing project or in decorating a little...even working on a new sculpture design.
I won't focus on the many continuing orders/commissions that will keep us busy through Mother's Day. I will focus only on capturing the really good moments of each day in my organic mental back-up hard drive.
By the way, here is the "Tranquility" ornament that was a special commission of the Ogeechee Area Hospice in Statesboro, Georgia. This commission came in late in the year, and we all knew it would be a near-impossible push to have 500 ornaments ready before Christmas (because I do so much hand work on each piece before it fires).
I was not able to make the desired 500, but folks seem to understand. That revived spirit and energy will return after a few days of good hard sleep and restoration.
By the way, these are available to the general public and to Penny Sanford Porcelain collectors. The proceeds benefit the Ogeechee Area Hospice which serves a nine-county area in Southwest Georgia.
(Note to self: gotta learn how to do a link today.)
Hospice employees are special folk providing a valuable service to the community.
Are you familiar with the dignity that hospice care provides a dying loved one? I've seen the difference between a loved one dying in a hospital compared to dying at home in familiar surroundings. Those hospice nurses are heros in my book!
This has me thinking about the friends who have lost spouses this year. An unsettling number of my friends are facing their first Christmas as widows. I'm only 44 years old, and these friends are not THAT much older!
I think I will close this post and snuggle with my husband and the two "bed bugs" this morning. That is one of those delicious treasures in life that is completely free, and yet, it is priceless!
Gordon has been "Mr. Steady" through all the deadlines and normal challenges of working for oneself. (Thank you, Lord, for my Gordon.)
More later,
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